Is a Picture Worth a Thousand Words?
To answer this question, I guess it would have to depend on whose picture… or maybe whose words they are and what they are saying. As we jump into data visualization, I guess it also would matter what the picture is trying to say.
Responding to the DIY Phenomenon
There has been quite a bit of discussion in marketing research of late about the proliferation of “Do it Yourself” tools. Just about anyone can design a survey, launch it to a pool of respondents and analyze the results.
Time to Recharge
Society has gotten to the place where we all seem to follow a school calendar somewhat, regardless of whether we even have kids in school! We all tend to think about vacations, but let me ask you… When was your last real vacation?
Stats and Sports
Not just sports, but how the use of analysis and statistics – typical tools of our trade – are being incorporated more and more to help teams become successful. We thought it would be appropriate to talk about sports in this issue.
Meeting Madness
What is your first reaction when someone makes the statement, “Let’s have a meeting about that”? If you’re like most people, the reaction is not very positive. It’s somewhere along the line of mild displeasure to major angst!
Social Media for fun or for profit?
What is your social media strategy? “Wait…” you ask, “do you mean personally or for my business?” Of course the answer is, both! Let’s start with the personal side of things. How much time do you spend on Social Media?
Being Competitive
How would you define the idea of being competitive? I’m not talking about from a business standpoint necessarily (at least not yet), but from an individual perspective? Would you describe yourself as being competitive?
Election Lessons
With the Mid-term elections a couple of weeks behind us now, I’d like to take just a few minutes to discuss a couple of things that we observed and learned, as well as possible implications to our work as marketing researchers.
3 Minutes to Better Brand / Product Targeting
Once you have developed your product or brand (product will be used to include both going forward) the next most important thing to do is to determine the target. If a specific target drove your product development work …
Gauss was no “normal” mathematician
At Marketing Workshop, we like to learn from the great minds of the past because it motivates us and helps us to think differently. That is what inspired the current series of posts.
Fresh Start
It’s a new year, time to reflect and a time to look ahead. I’ve found that it’s best not to spend too much time looking backward, though. Look at what the successes were in the previous year and celebrate them?
Never Stop Learning
Do you remember that point when you were a kid when you were really ready for school to be over with? I’m not referring to that every-day feeling of wanting to get home so you could play…